Lab Testing
As a new member of Oconee Weight and Wellness, your initial personal health assessment includes basic lab work and blood screen. The testing gives us a foundation from which to work, allowing us to safely and effectively assist you in your weight loss and wellness goals. With your health as our number one concern, our team uses these results to customize a plan specifically for your unique needs and objectives.
Bolstering the effectiveness of your weight loss program, your initial lab work and testing will include:
Basic metabolic panel measuring blood glucose levels, electrolyte/fluid balance and kidney functions.
Cholesterol and lipid screening
Diabetes screening
At Oconee Weight and Wellness, our entire team is committed to providing exemplary health care through personalized weight loss programs and services. Proudly serving Athens, Georgia and its surrounding areas, we provide the care, accountability, and methods for healthy and effective weight loss.
Find out why so many of Athens’ residents choose us for weight management, skin care, and overall wellness by calling today.