Real Results
Real Results From Our Clients

I’m so glad I didn’t wait until the new year to take control of my health! So close to my goals and we are only ten days into 2019! I feel SO much better and I cut my clothing sizes by over half! I’m finally feeling like my old self again. 💗💗 Oconee Weight & Wellness has been a life-changer for me! I couldn’t have done it without their help. Accountability is everything! I look forward to weigh in days now. If you’re looking for some help in making healthy lifestyle changes go see them! #goaldigger #fitmama #THREEmonths -Jennifer

I weighed 218 at my highest. My weight loss stalled at 198 and I’m so glad I came to you guys for that boost to help me get on the right track. Now at 184 on the left. Still have a ways to go but taking it slow! Thank y’all for the weekly motivation! "
Courtney Started at OWW at 280lbs. She has lost 46 lbs.

Latin Lost 82lbs!
Alison is wonderful
I lost over 40 pounds and felt better than I have in years. Alison is wonderful and I appreciate her counsel.
-Linda S., Athens, GA.
moreI lost more than 65 pounds
I joined Oconee Weight and Wellness in late January and in a little over 4 months have lost more than 65 pounds. Learning to watch my calorie intake and the types of calories is the goal along with keeping my appetite in control. When I started this program it was a struggle to walk a distance further than my driveway without feeling winded. I knew I needed to do something and this has been the right choice for me. I also knew I could not do it on my own. I had tried and just not succeeded.
I still have a good ways to go before I am at my goal but I have total confidence that I can do it. I believe the thing that has been the biggest help has been ...